Chingona Revolution is hosted by Erika Cruz, a rebel who left a 6-figure tech job to pursue her own unconventional path to success by following her passion that led to her purpose. Every week, Erika will bring out of you that BADASS LATINA through her experiences to overcome self-doubt and family expectations and lead with COURAGE.
This week Erika gives us another sneak peek at her group coaching program in honor of the doors opening to her latest cohort. Join her and her fellow CDL alum as they discuss building confidence within your business, how to deal with familial expectations, and why you have to remember you’re the one with the sazón!
Connect with Cynthia Garcia:
Cynthia is the owner of Higher Frequency SKIN. Born and raised in San Francisco to immigrant parents, Cynthia jumped into the field of Law and started off in immigration. She felt fulfilled for a while, but there was always that voice in her head telling her she could do more. She knew there was more to life than stacking accolades and making her parents proud, but what was it? And what if she failed? Cynthia found Erika and Courage Driven Latina when she no longer could keep up the farce of a “perfect life”. With the help of Erika and CDL, she found her purpose and courage. She launched her clean and vegan skincare line in January of this year! Since then, some of her proudest moments have occurred and she continues to encourage other Latinas to believe they are Chingonas!
Instagram @higherfrequency_skin
Connect with Karina Naranjo:
Karina is a Digital Inclusion Coordinator and unapologetic self-advocate. She is passionate about tech (hence her Computer Science major) and a guru on graduating debt-free from college.
Instagram @theunapologeticprietablog
Connect with Lorena Rivera:
Lorena is a confidence creator, helping you transform your self-esteem, fall in love with yourself again, and cultivate the confidence to live the life you want.
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How to work with Erika: