Chingona Revolution is hosted by Erika Cruz, a rebel who left a 6-figure tech job to pursue her own unconventional path to success by following her passion that led to her purpose. Every week, Erika will bring out of you that BADASS LATINA through her experiences to overcome self-doubt and family expectations and lead with COURAGE.
In today’s episode, Erika shares the behind-the-scenes of her business journey. She shares everything she did that worked, and all of the business regrets that she would change if she could go back in time.
You will find this episode beneficial even if you don’t own a business or have plans to start one. Listen now to learn how Erika has implemented her learnings into the curriculum for Courage Driven Latina.
Follow Erika on:
Instagram @theerikacruz
TikTok @theerikacruz
How to work with Erika:
Sign up for How to Start Your Courage Project or Business in 90 Days Masterclass here.