Chingona Revolution is hosted by Erika Cruz, a rebel who left a 6-figure tech job to pursue her own unconventional path to success by following her passion that led to her purpose. Every week, Erika will bring out of you that BADASS LATINA through her experiences to overcome self-doubt and family expectations and lead with COURAGE.
First of all, no one knows what they’re doing. It’s very rare that anyone knows exactly what their purpose is. That takes a lot of time and a lot of life to live so you’re definitely not behind. Don’t get too caught up in what everyone else is doing.
In fact, most people we know are stressing out about feeling left behind and how everyone else is doing. If you’re feeling left behind because you’re not married, the married people are probably stressing out about their marriage, etc. We all feel like the grass is greener on the other side. So how do we stop feeling like we’re falling behind when we’re really not?
In this week’s episode, I’m going to break down why you’re not falling behind – even when it feels like you are. To do this, I’m going to share a few examples of people who felt like they were falling behind, including myself, when they were actually exactly where they were supposed to be. You’re not behind, you just need to accept where you are so the Universe can tell you where you’re going.
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Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Erika: Hello. Hello. Welcome back to this week’s episode of Chingona Revolution podcast. I have a very important episode for you today. There must be something about it being a new year. People really reflecting on the previous year, thinking about resolutions, setting goals and setting intentions for the year that there is a common feeling of I’m not where I should be.
Or this thought that you are behind. I’ve seen it come up over and over with my clients. I’ve seen it come up in myself. I’ve seen it come up with my friends and I do feel that collectively we are in this place. Where we think we should be further along than where we actually are instead of accepting where we are and accepting our journey.
So if you’ve ever felt like you are falling behind in your life, whether it’s you’re falling behind in your career, maybe you don’t have the job you want, or you want to pivot into a different industry, or maybe at the moment you’re unemployed, or you’re not where you thought you would be salary wise when it comes to your career, or you.
You aren’t in the most ideal relationship, or maybe you’ve been single for a long time, or maybe you’re going through a breakup and you just are ready to have your happy ending. You’re like, when is it that I’m going to meet my soulmate? Where is this person? Why are they taking so long? And the people around you are maybe getting engaged or getting married or having kids and you can’t help but compare yourself and feel behind.
Maybe you feel behind when it comes to your finances. Maybe you are. Not really investing, but maybe the people around you have been investing for a long time, or maybe you just get really overwhelmed when it comes to finances. Maybe your money mindset is something that you know you want to work on, but overall, maybe you feel that financially you are not where you want to be.
Another one is your purpose. So I was actually coaching yesterday inside of Courage Driven Latina, and we were, this theme came up so much. That’s why I was like, we have to record a podcast episode on this because. If my clients needed to hear the things that I said, then so do you. But one of the things that came up is one of my clients, a few of my clients are on the job hunt right now.
And one of them asked, why does everybody else seem to know exactly what their purpose is? And I don’t know what mine is. And I’m in my late twenties. And maybe you feel this way as well. You’re like, okay, how is it that. My one friend knew she wanted to be a lawyer. How did the other friend know that he wanted to be a doctor?
How does Erika know that she wanted to be a podcast host and a coach and all of these different things. And it looks so much easier when we see somebody else,especially when it comes to your purpose, because your purpose is literally, what gives your life meaning. And if you feel like you lack purpose and you feel behind on your purpose, that is not a fun feeling. But as much as it can look like other people have had it so easy, we actually don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.
So this episode is going to remind you why your journey is perfectly on time and why you’re actually not alone. And
and I know that you can look at my brand and say, see, Erika has it all figured out, but I did not follow my purpose until I left a high paying tech job in my late twenties. And everything looked perfect on paper, but it took me walking away from that to find my purpose. And it was not an overnight thing.
It was years of me figuring out what it was that brought me joy. Figuring out what it was that I was good at. When my experience had really changed me. Only been in a few different roles of the tech industry. So I want to, before we get into the actual episode, I want to acknowledge the pressure that we feel as a society and culturally to compare ourselves, especially in today’s social media driven world, right?
Where people are, I mean, if people are following me on Instagram, they’re like, Erika is living her best life right now. Um, I was in Mexico City, I was in Guadalajara, I am currently in Puerto Vallarta. I’m actually flying out right after I record this podcast episode and it can look like everything is so perfect and working out, but you all don’t know what’s going on on the other side.
Not really. Especially because when it comes to the hard things in life, while I try to do a job, a good job of sharing that with you all here on the podcast, I’m not really posting much about it on social media and it’s not because I’m trying to hide it, but I just don’t really feel like sharing it when I’m still processing it and when I’m still going through it.
And typically once I’ve learned a lesson, I come back and I share the wisdom with you all. And. It can be so easy for us to compare ourselves to other people. And we have no idea what’s going on on the other side, but we do live in this world where we can instantly see what people are up to. Like how often were we able to keep up with friends in the nineties?
We couldn’t, we had no idea what people were up to until we met up with them. And now with the rise of social media, we literally know where everybody is by just a few photos and videos. All right, let’s actually get into the episode. So there is this universal feeling of being behind, and I’m saying behind in quotations. So if it’s your career, watching your peers get promoted or watching people start businesses, or if it’s relationships, maybe feeling the pressure to settle down, maybe wanting to get out of a toxic relationship or a relationship that doesn’t feel good, wanting to be in a relationship.
If it comes to finances, seeing people buy homes, cars, or achieve big financial milestones. And then when it comes to our purpose, feeling unfulfilled, despite checking all of the success boxes, you don’t feel happy inside. And this feeling of falling behind or feeling behind is not a personal failure.
It’s often just that you are on your own path because you are not on the same path as everyone else. It’sSo yesterday when I was on the call with my clients, with my, the Courage Driven Latina clients, we were talking about, I, I shared something very similar to what I’ve already talked about here on the podcast episode about how everybody feels that they are behind. At least in one area of their life and while people can look like they have their shit together They probably don’t have their shit together in every area of their life They have their shit together maybe in one or two areas and the other areas could be a work in progress They could be a disaster, right?
We actually do not know what’s going on But what I did as an exercise on the call was I had people raise their hand virtually, right, because we’re on Zoom, raise their hand if they felt behind. Everybody in the Zoom room raised their hand.
So what I shared on the call was the people who are in. A job are hating their job, trying to quit their job. The people who are looking for a job are comparing themselves to the people who have a job and they’re like, Oh, they’re so lucky they have a job.
And then the people who are in relationships are looking at the people who are single and thinking, Oh my gosh, that’s. Freedom and not having to worry about communicating with your partner and blah, blah, blah, because being in relationships is hard. Right. And then the people who are single are like, Oh, if only I had that one person, if only I had a partner and it’s the grass always looks greener on the other side, but it’s so interesting because the people who maybe just bought the new car are feeling the pressure about the car payment.
And maybe the people who are in debt are like, I just want to be debt free. And we’re always looking at what we don’t have. As, Oh, once I have that thing, everything’s going to be fine, but that’s not the case. Even if you were to get everything that was on your vision board right now, I guarantee you, you would probably still be telling yourself the story that you are behind.
Why? Because growth doesn’t stop. It’s not like once you buy a 2025 vehicle, Then you’re good. No, guess what? At the end of 2025, 2026 is going to come out. You got the latest iPhone. Guess what? In September, a new iPhone is going to come out. Or you got a degree. There’s another degree. There’s another, another certification.
There’s always more that we can do. Do and unless you can get to a place where you are happy with where you are and still look to the future with optimism. I’m not saying don’t have goals. I’m not saying don’t strive for more. I’m not saying, um, stop growing. No, no, no. It’s human nature to want growth, but how can we find contentment with where we are and then also be excited about where we’re going.
That is the key right there. Because, I mean, you think that the moment you have The job, the partner and the money, everything’s going to be perfectly fine. But unless you address this feeling of lack right now within yourself. When you get that, you’re still going to feel the way that you feel right now.
And I can tell you from my personal example, I remember I’m like, Oh, once I make six figures, I’m going to feel so financially safe. Once I make six figures, I’m going to be good. And if you’re living in California or New York or in an inexpensive area, then I, you know, especially with inflation and. Where the cost of things are nowadays six figures is not a lot But when I was starting my career ten years ago six figures was the goal.
How can you get to six figures? Well, I remember the day that I started to make six figures you would think that I started to feel so abundant and so secure and Just like I had so much wealth. Do you want to know what actually happened? I felt so Unworthy and I felt like a fraud I was like, oh my gosh, who do I think I am making this much money?
I don’t even know if I deserve it. What if they fire me now? They’re gonna have all these expectations of me now because i’m making more money What if I don’t live up to the expectations and then you want to know what else? My money mindset was exactly the same way it was before I was making six figures.
The act of making six figures didn’t suddenly make me abundant and secure with money. I still didn’t feel comfortable spending money. I still felt Insecure when it came to money. It’s almost like we’re thinking that okay once I get this relationship This was so not part of the episode, by the way, i’m going on a whole tangent here But this is a really good point.
So i’m gonna let myself go on the tangent It’s almost like saying once I get the relationship then i’m going to feel loved No, friends, if you get into a relationship, expecting that relationship to make you feel loved, that is a doomed relationship. You have to love yourself and that’s how you’re going to end up in the right relationship, in a loving relationship, when you love yourself first.
So that was a whole tangent that, that I just went on, but again, I think it was very important. So rather than thinking, so this feeling of like, Oh my gosh, I’m so behind you are thinking once I get these things that are on my vision board, once I get these things that are on my goals list, once I get these things that I know I want to manifest, then everything’s going to be fine.
And we’re waiting for that thing to happen in order to feel gratitude in order to feel abundant, but we don’t have to wait until that thing comes to feel abundant. So let’s go back to the theme of this podcast, which is timelines, right? And feeling behind. I’d like to share a few personal stories on when I felt like I was behind. And then in the end, everything worked out. So when. I was working in the tech industry. I was constantly looking for my purpose. I mean, I read all of the purpose books. I took courses on purpose. I tried to interview different people of different jobs at my company.
I worked in a lot of different areas. I worked in sales and then I worked in partnerships and then I worked in marketing and then I worked in product. And then I went back to marketing. I mean, I had a lot of different roles when I was in the tech industry. And I remember thinking, damn. All my colleagues are, you know, now in management positions and now they’re doing all these different things.
And I’ve only been jumping around and I know a little bit about everything, but I don’t know anything about one specific role, how am I ever going to work my way up the corporate ladder if I just know a little bit about everything? And I just felt like I was so behind, even with my salary, I didn’t start making six figures until a few years in.
And some of my colleagues had already started to make six figures. So naturally I was comparing myself and what. I learned through this feeling of, Oh my gosh, I’m behind is that I was comparing my journey to other people’s journey. And that’s why I felt behind because my expectation was I should be where these people are or further ahead, right?
Cause we’re always our biggest critic. We’re always like, I need to be ahead. But these people were on way different journeys. How, why? Well, because tech was their purpose and it wasn’t mine. And I remember I was like, I just need to go to a different company. So I applied to Tik TOK. I, I mean, I’ve shared this multiple times on the podcast.
I applied to Tik TOK. I applied to, uh, I applied to Pinterest. I applied to, um, did I already say Instagram, Instagram, Facebook? I mean, literally all of the bigger tech companies, especially the social media ones, because I liked social media and I got a job, I got a job, um, interview at Google and then they restructured the team and then they cut the position.
So. I found myself in this place where I was constantly rejected. So not only did I feel behind because I didn’t really know exactly what my purpose was, and I was trying to find it in the tech industry. But then I’m getting rejected by all of these different companies, while people that I went to college with are working at Google are working at all of these amazing tech companies.
And I kept comparing myself over and over and over and then 2020 hit and then healthy people started to pass away. And I had this moment of, is this really what I want to do? And I was like, no, it’s not. If I was to die tomorrow, I would not say that I live my life fully. And that’s when I started to create content on a little app called TikTok.
In 2020, it was not a big app. There was only kids on it dancing. And because I was one of the early creators, I started to get a lot of followers, I started to get a lot of engagement. And from there, people started asking me if I offered coaching. Friends, I didn’t even know what coaching was. But I was like, let me Google this.
I ended up working with a coach because I was like, let me figure out what this coaching thing is life changing. Life freaking changing. I learned about the power of your mindset. I learned about how you can guide other people to reach their goals faster. And I was like, this is exactly what I want to do for women.
And it took me seeing it in somebody else’s program to understand that it was even possible. And that’s when I created Courage Driven Latina, which at the moment was called Purpose Driven Latina. And. I didn’t even stress about my job anymore because I had found something that felt so purposeful and something that I was working towards.
And I was still at my tech job, but I wasn’t applying to new jobs anymore. I was just working on growing my following on creating really good content on helping the clients I did have. I moved back to my mom’s house. Because I knew that I didn’t want to be at the, in the tech industry forever. And I knew that with my business being a new business, it was going to take time for it to grow.
So I was like, let me minimize my, my expenses. I’m paying a ton of money living in Silicon Valley. Let me move back home. That was like a huge blow to my ego, but my dreams and my purpose felt so much bigger than my ego. So I was willing to move back. I moved back and I want to say four months in or so I was making enough money from coaching that then I left the tech industry and now today, the Erika today can tell you, I was not behind everything that I was doing in the tech industry, all those little jobs I had in the tech industry, I was Prepared me to be an entrepreneur and the timing couldn’t have been more perfect.
If I had started my coaching business in 2019, it would have not picked up the way it did in 2020. It needed those circumstances, the pandemic needed to be happening so that I could be able to work from home so I could spend more time creating content so that I can have that realization of, oh my gosh, yes, you’re right.
I don’t want to be here forever. And if it wasn’t for a pandemic occurring. I don’t know that I would have had the courage to walk away from a job. So all of those different factors, even though I felt so behind, I felt behind financially, I felt behind in my purpose, I felt behind in my career, even though I felt behind in all of those different things, in the end, I was like, this was preparing me for the perfect timing.
And the thing is, when we are comparing our journey to somebody else’s, we’re assuming that we’re all starting at the same place and we’re not. People have different factors in their life. Your childhood has a factor where you were born, the skills you have. We’re all playing our own game. We’re not playing the same game, this game of life.
Maybe somebody has all of this money invested because their parents started investing for them when they were younger. Or maybe their parents gave them the guidance that they needed to know how to invest. And maybe your parents gave you the money. Scarcity mindset that that needs to be addressed first.
And then you can start investing. I’ll never forget. I had a call with my good friend, um, Gigi. And she was like, it was a connection call. This is like back, I think in 2021 or so. And she started asking me about my investment accounts and I was like, Oh no, I’m good. I’m not worried about it. And she was like, uh, no, I think you should really be worried about it.
And obviously she was. Looking out for my best interests. Are you saving for retirement type of thing? And I stopped investing in my retirement the first couple of years in my business because I was using all of my money that I made in my business to invest back in my business. And obviously that conversation was an important conversation.
And I was like, Oh crap, she’s right. I’m falling behind, but you know what, over the last year, not only did I invest more money in my retirement from the whole time that I was in tech. But I am way far ahead now when it comes to my retirement. So why am I sharing this? Things can change so quickly. I went from feeling behind in my purpose to having the career that I didn’t even know was possible.
Like I love my job so much. And then I went from feeling behind on my investments to being further ahead than I need to be. So even though we can feel like we’re falling behind, things can happen instantly.
let’s talk about a love example. I’ve had multiple, multiple friends whom feel like they’re falling behind in their love life. And I’m telling you, we look to other people and we want what they have. If somebody’s single, we’re like, Oh, it must be so nice to be single. If somebody’s married, we’re like, Oh my gosh, it must be so nice to be married.
If somebody’s dating, Oh my God, it must be so nice to be dating. Yet all of the people who are dating or single or married are looking to the other people and admiring their situation. But remember, we never know what’s going on behind the scenes. As you know, I got engaged when I was in my twenties. And I said, yes, because I felt like it was the next step.
And at that time I wasn’t as self aware. I didn’t have the tools that I have now. I was just following the check boxes. Go to school, get a job, get married, have kids. And I’m so glad that I ended up not following through on that. Not just for me, but for him, we were not going in the same place in our lives.
We were on totally different paths. And I remember some of my friends were like, Oh my gosh, you’re so lucky that you got engaged. I actually remember one of my cousins, we, um, I was visiting her and we all went out and her and I went to the bathroom and she was like, you lucky, what did she say? She was like, In a loving way.
She wasn’t, um, she wasn’t being. Mean or derogatory, but she was like, I think she said something along the lines of you lucky beasy. You got engaged before I did and me and like my partner have been together longer than you. And I remember just having this feeling of like, I don’t feel lucky. And at the time I didn’t know, okay, this is not the relationship for me.
Now I look back and I’m like, oh yeah, you know, it’s crystal clear now. It’s never crystal clear in the moment. Let me tell you. And, uh, yeah, long story short, I ended up not getting married and my cousin did. She did, she got married and I went to her wedding and it was a beautiful, beautiful wedding. And that was the right person for her.
So she was at the time comparing herself to my situation. And then look, mine didn’t even follow through. But other examples, I’ve had multiple friends who feel like they’re falling behind when it comes to relationships. One particular friend, my friend Liz, um, she didn’t say she was, she felt like she was falling behind, but this is still a good example where when I met her, when we first became friends, she was recently really heartbroken.
And she’s shared this before, which is why, why I’m sharing. And we took a girl’s trip to Mexico city. And I remember she almost didn’t come on the trip because she was so heartbroken. And while we were there in Mexico city, I was like, Liz, you should download Bumble. Like, you’re not going to meet anybody here.
You’re leaving tomorrow. Why not? Just for the heck of it. Like, it’ll just be fun. Let yourself do it. And we helped her pick some photos. It was Mariela, Liz, and myself. We were, and I was like, we should go to the four seasons in Mexico city. So we can feel like very abundant. And we just went to the bar and had, at the time I still drink alcohol.
So we had cocktails and. As we were sitting there, we were just swiping and it was so fun. Well, the one person that she ended up connecting with because she deleted the app as soon as she got back, but she connected with one person named Roberto and they ended up messaging and FaceTiming and they just got married.
So obviously this happened a couple of years ago, but they really got to know each other. And he went to California to visit her. She went to go to Mexico city to visit him. She ended up moving to Mexico city, which interestingly enough, she told us on the trip before meeting this guy that she had the desire to move to Mexico city.
And then it’s like she manifested the relationship, the move to Mexico city. And then I’m in Mexico right now because she got married. So things can happen so quickly. Quickly, I know somebody else who was in a relationship. They were in their late thirties. She was like 39. And she wanted kids and the guy didn’t so they ended up going their separate ways and she was totally heartbroken But like a year later met somebody got married got pregnant and now they have a kid So these things can happen even though it feels like you’re falling behind When it’s the correct timing Things work out, and this is something that I’ve had to remind myself of, even though career wise, I’m like, all right, I’m good.
I mean, there’s still things to figure out in my career, but when it comes to my purpose, I have a lot of clarity. I know that this year I want to do more speaking. I want to do more content. I want to really focus on the podcast. I want to bring some amazing guests on the podcast. I want to try to get into in person meetings.
Um, podcast recording, like maybe even a podcast tour. I’m very clear about what it is that I want in my career, but there’s other areas of my life where I’m feeling behind and I have to constantly coach myself on this. And one of them is my living situation. I moved back to my mom’s house to start my business.
And when I got there, I realized. My mom’s really getting ready for retirement. She needs more support than I thought she was going to need. I mean, she’s, she would be fine without me, but me being there is a huge financial and emotional support to her. And I freaking travel so much, literally it is the 15th of January as I’m recording this podcast episode and I’ve been on one, two, three, four, five, I’ve been on five flights so far and I’m about to go get on another flight and then in two days I’m going to be on a flight to New York.
So. As much as I’m like, Oh my gosh, I’m feeling behind because I’m still in this living situation. I’m like, girl, all right, let’s be honest with ourselves. We’re literally never home. Like if I was paying 3, 000 of rent, 4, 000 of rent in Los Angeles was, which is where I was thinking of moving. I would not be able to travel the amount that I’m traveling.
So what if where you are is serving you for exactly what you need right now? Right. Or I’ve had people who are, um, they get coaching on, like, I haven’t been able to like find a job. I’m like, well, have you been applying to jobs? So sometimes it’s about timing and sometimes we’re just literally not taking the action to get to where we want to go.
It’s like, if you want to meet your partner, but you’re not willing to go on any dates, well, okay, we got to help the universe out a little bit, right? It’s twofold. It’s, Whenever the right timing is for you, which we don’t actually know, we have to just trust, but two, you also still have to take action. You also still have to put in the effort.
You still have to do certain things, right? It’s not like my purpose fell on my lap. No, it was me taking inspired action to create content, to host workshops, and then to take on coaching clients. And that’s how my business began.
I want you to know that you are never too old and it’s never too late to make a pivot. And I mentioned at the beginning of the podcast episode that Vera Wang didn’t start until she was in her forties.
She started as a figure skater and then a journalist and then didn’t design her first wedding dress until her forties. Every experience she had up until that point contributed to her eventual success. Just like every experience I had in the tech industry contributed to my success. Just like all of your past relationships that felt like they were failures are preparing you and teaching you the lessons that you need for your dream person.
Other examples of people who started later is, Um, the person who started KFC, he didn’t start until he was 62. 62. That’s when people, that’s when we’re like, Oh, I should be retired by then. Oprah was also fired from her first job in TV. And look at her now. You are never too old and it is never too late.
Okay. So now how can we reframe comparison and the idea of being behind? Because we’ve all heard comparison is the thief of joy. And we’re often comparing our chapter one to somebody else’s chapter 30, chapter 20. But it’s important for you to redefine what success actually looks like. So maybe even asking yourself, what does a meaningful life look like for me?
Great example of redefining what success looks like. I’ve been saying, Oh my gosh, I want to move. I want to move. But yet, as my mom would say, me pica la casa, which means the, the house pokes you like that it’s uncomfortable for you to be home, y’all I’m literally traveling nonstop. So. It doesn’t make any sense, right?
That I’d be beating myself up, that I’m not in my ideal living situation because what success looks like for me is freedom. And that’s exactly what I’m living right now. So a lot of times we are going after this success that we think we should go after. Do you really need a million dollars in your bank account?
Do you really need a massive house? What is it that you want? So asking yourself, what does a meaningful life look like for me? It is, it’s a great reflection question. Great reflection question. I’ve also talked about this a few times where, um, comparison is clarity, right? So instead of comparing yourself, feeling crappy that you’re not where somebody else is, how can you learn from somebody else’s journey? How can you use that comparison as clarity? I’ve said many times when my friends have written books, that gives me clarity that I want to write a book too.
And I’m still comparing myself, but I’m not comparing myself from this place where I’m like, Oh, they wrote a book. Now I can’t write a book. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. No, they wrote books and I’m like, dope. They left evidence of clues. They left success. They left a trail of the journey and how it was that they got there.
And they also can be my support system. How amazing is that to surround yourself by people who’ve already been where you want to go instead of thinking, Oh, now I can’t do that. Oh my gosh. My friend launched a podcast. Now I can’t launch a podcast. Yeah. Literally all my friends have podcasts. All of my friends who are in the same industry that I am in have podcasts.
And guess what? It is the best thing ever because as soon as one of us has an issue, we go to the other one or whenever we’re like, damn it, I need to record a podcast episode. We’re like, all right, let’s record one together. You’ll put it on your podcast. I’ll put it on mine. And instead of, you know, this, this lack mentality of like, Oh, if somebody else did it, then I can’t, we live in such an abundant world.
New podcasts are created every single day, just because one person is doing something doesn’t take it away from you just because your friend got engaged does not mean that you’re not going to find your person. The fact that your friend got engaged is evidence that the abundance is there and available to you.
You’re like, that friend found someone. Of course I can find someone. That was kind of mean. Don’t say that. Don’t say that about your friends. So here’s what I would like you all to do. I’d like you to reflect. I want you to list three things that you’re proud of accomplishing in the last year. I also want you to write down when in the past have you felt behind?
But, the universe showed you, you were exactly where you needed to be, right? Maybe it was not being able to find a job and then you land your dream job. Maybe it was heartbreak after heartbreak, but then that led you to your person. Maybe this was, um, being in debt, but like that then taught you about money management.
Like, I really want you to find evidence that you’ve been in this place where you feel behind and you’re actually not. You’re not. It’s just that the right timing hasn’t happened yet. And then I also want you to look at what can you do to help the universe? What actions do you need to be taking right now?
Somebody needed this podcast episode. I don’t know who needed it. Maybe even I needed it because there’s definitely still areas in which I feel like I’m behind. And even though I trust the universe, there’s still moments when we’re going to feel doubt. And that is such a normal, normal thing.
So where is one area that you feel behind and what is one step you can take today? To move forward. That is the question that I would love for you all to DM me, or maybe tag me. You can tag Chingona Revolution. We have an Instagram for that page, but my personal is the Erika Cruz. That’s Erika with a K, no C, and I just want to know where is it that you feel behind and then what’s one small step that you can take to move forward or to trust that the universe’s timing is working out in your favor.
I want you to know that you are not behind. You are literally in training for the next big chapter of your life. That’s it. That’s all that’s happening. So remember, feeling behind is normal, but it does not mean that you are failing. Your journey is your journey. It’s nobody else’s. So it’s going to be unique.
It’s going to be valuable and it’s going to look different than anybody else’s. Okay, friends, send this podcast episode to a friend, to a family member, somebody that you know needs to hear this. If you took anything away from this episode, be sure to also share it, share it on your socials or DM me. Again, I really do want to know where is it that you have been feeling like you’re behind and what steps are you going to take or how are you going to trust that you’re exactly where you need to be?
Send me a DM. I want to know. All right, y’all, I will see you next week.