Chingona Revolution is hosted by Erika Cruz, a rebel who left a 6-figure tech job to pursue her own unconventional path to success by following her passion that led to her purpose. Every week, Erika will bring out of you that BADASS LATINA through her experiences to overcome self-doubt and family expectations and lead with COURAGE.
The scariest thing about losing your spark is that it can happen at any time and from any number of circumstances losing your spark can come from a toxic relationship, losing your job, or a passion project not turning out how you wanted it to. My clients have told me that they feel overwhelmed by these “failures” and that they’re not sure where to go from here. The word failures is in quotations for a reason, just wait.
Without your spark, it can be really easy to start to question your worth, your power, and how you see yourself. But this is part of the cycle. We have abundance and we have lack. Our moments of lack do not define us, so stop letting it define you. So if this New Year is about getting yourself back to normal, that’s okay! Let’s take it one step at a time. Together.
In this week’s episode, we’re talking about how to get your spark back after you’ve lost it. Life is full of cycles and transitions and your wins wouldn’t feel like wins if you never experienced hardship. Let’s go through these feelings together. With compassion and trust in the universe, we can find that spark again and know that it never left us.
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Podcast production for this episode was provided by CCST.
Erika: Hello, hello! Welcome back to this week’s episode of Chingona Revolution podcast. This is going to be a shorter episode because I’m currently in Mexico. I’m here for my good friend, Liz’s wedding. And I did have an episode planned for you all. I wanted to talk to you all about. What to do when you’ve lost your spark and I wrote some notes when I was on the plane And I was really excited to record this episode and I still am excited to record and share this episode with you all But over the last 24 hours, there’s been a lot of things that have occurred the moment that well actually first Let’s start with the wedding.
I’m so excited about Liz’s wedding because I was with her on the trip where she connected with her partner and they have been living together in Mexico City and it’s just been the most beautiful love story to witness. And now I get to celebrate the ceremony of her love and I get to be in her wedding tomorrow and I’m so excited to be in Mexico.
I’m so excited to be here supporting one of my dearest, dearest friends. And this is a friend that has become a friend over the last couple of years. And it’s so crazy how when you find aligned friendships, like when you follow your purpose and when you, Follow what it is that you should be doing.
You’re going to find people who are aligned with you and it’s going to feel like these are soul friendships, right? Just like there’s soulmates, there’s also soul friendships. And I truly believe that both Liz and Mariela, two of the people that I’m here with, obviously Liz is getting married, but Mariela is also in the wedding.
And so am I, and it’s just a beautiful. that we all get to share together. And I’m so excited to be here, but when I was boarding the plane, I get a phone call, or actually I got a text message from my mom because one of my aunts had let her know that my paternal grandmother was not doing well. And
The message that I received from my mom when I was on the plane was that my grandmother was in her final hours and I thought my grandmother was in a different state, but it turns out that she was exactly where I was flying into. So we had plans of what we were going to do when we arrived in Mexico, but my plans changed and I ended up going to go see her.
My father and his mother who was not doing well, and I luckily I had seen her a few months before But I hadn’t seen her prior to that. I mean it had been years and I I knew that I wanted to spend More time getting to know my last living grandmother, and I definitely made the efforts that I could and she ended up passing away today.
So I just got to see her yesterday. So the trip definitely took a little bit of a turn. My podcast episode for today has also just maybe won’t have the spark I wanted it to have, but I still wanted to ensure that I got a podcast episode out for you all. And I still wanted to ensure that I shared something with you all.
But I think my biggest. Take away from this whole experience is that one, we can’t really know, right? When things are going to happen, but divine timing is divine timing. What a coincidence that I ended up. On a flight that got me into the city that my grandmother was in. And I didn’t even know she was in that city.
I thought she was in a different state. I was in, I thought she was in the state that she in, I thought she was in her home state, the state that she’s from, which is the state of Sacaticas, but it turns out they had moved her back to Guadalajara and that’s exactly where I was flying into. So I think there’s definitely something to be said around divine timing and being in the right place at the right time.
And there’s also. You know, the message of, of grief and how grief comes in waves. And there can be so many mixed emotions and have felt gratitude, but I’ve also felt sadness and I’ve also felt some anger. It’s been very interesting because just I’m a lot closer to my mom’s side of the family than my dad.
So, I mean, we’re talking cousins I hadn’t seen in 20 years I got to see last night. So that’s definitely taken. An impact in how I’ve been feeling and in my, my thoughts about this trip so far. So if, I mean, obviously this is all very fresh. I’m sure I may do, may have more lessons in the future, but I guess if I could say anything to anybody who’s, who’s listening, it’s that, I mean, and we all logically know this, right?
But we never know when somebody’s last day will be. So do what you can when you can. And. Let what you’ve done be enough because we can’t go back and change the past. And I could see, feel myself wanting to get into like almost a shame cycle of like, Oh, I should have done more. And I had to catch myself because it was a complicated situation.
So with that being said, let’s get into the actual podcast. I wanted to talk about what do you do when you’ve lost your spark and. Maybe as soon as I say that, you’re like, Oh, I need to hear this, but let me give you examples of what it’s like to have lost your spark because maybe that specific phrase doesn’t resonate with you.
But maybe one of the, one of the examples that I have will resonate with you. So, let’s say that maybe you were building your confidence at work and then you suddenly end up working with a, a, a company or a boss who ends up being really hard to work with. So maybe they’re gaslighting you, maybe they’re just really stressed out and they’re pouring a lot of stress on you.
Maybe they are just overall a toxic person to work with. And that situation can affect your confidence and affect the way that you’re showing up at work. It can, maybe you’re used to being this like top performer or you were, you know, again, like I mentioned, building your confidence at work. And then once you have an experience like this, it can really alter the way that you show up at work.
Maybe you feel like you’re walking on eggshells. Maybe you don’t apply for promotions because you don’t feel like you’re doing That you’re doing that good. So it can happen in work situations. We can also lose our spark with content creation. I feel like that’s definitely something that’s happened with me because when I started my business, it was literally just me creating content on Tik TOK and I was creating content just because it was fun to create content.
But as time went on and I started to run a coaching business and have a team and all of these different things, I feel like at that moment I then began to Lose my spark when it came to content creation. And I feel like I’m working my way back towards that right now. And that’s one of my goals for 2025 to create more content just for the joy of creating content.
But especially for those of us who started on Tik TOK and we were used to getting a lot of views or a lot of likes. And then once that dips or the algorithm change changes, it can be really easy to feel like you’ve lost your spark and lost your passion for it. Losing your spark can also happen when you are in an unloving relationship. So maybe you were typically a pretty confident individual, but if you ended up in a relationship with somebody who was narcissistic or somebody who was toxic or somebody that just was not compatible with you, it can be really easy to start to question your worth, to start to question your power, to start to question the value that you bring and really to change the way that you see yourself. Another big thing that has happened for people in my circle is experiencing a layoff. Maybe you finally landed your dream job and then you’re laid off. That can totally affect your confidence. It can affect your spark. It can affect the way that you view yourself in the way that you show up in the world.
And I want to validate that this happens, right? We’re not, life is never just going to be about you feeling amazing about you always feeling confident. Life happens in cycles. And just like we have abundance We also have lack and just like we have confidence and our spark, we’re also going to have self doubt, but if there’s anything I’ve learned during my spirituality journey and my self development journey, it is that whenever we are in those lower points, whether it is in lack or whether it is in self doubt, Those are the moments that show us what it is that we need to work on.
Those are the moments that give us the opportunity for growth. If you always had your spark, that would actually be unsustainable. You, we do need these moments and maybe situations and as uncomfortable as they feel, those are the situations that catapult us forward. Notice, like, have you ever seen somebody go through a breakup and then.
After the breakup, they’re immediately really sad about it, but then time goes by and then they go through this like amazing glow up. Right? Maybe they start going to the gym. They start eating healthy. They just start taking better care of themselves. They really begin to love themselves. But before they were just caught up in the relationship that they were not prioritizing themselves or like people that I’ve mentioned that have been laid off when they’ve been laid off.
They end up finding more amazing or more aligned jobs. But the thing is, they would have never walked away from the job if they had the choice. If they had the choice, they would have stayed. There’s a lot of clients of mine who’ve ended up getting laid off and then they end up starting their own business after.
And they’ve always wanted to start their own business, but they didn’t have the courage to leave the job. So sometimes. The universe, the light, the source, whatever it is that you believe in God, whatever word you use, sometimes has to pull us out of situations in order to redirect us. And whenever we’re talking about getting our spark back, I think this is really important.
Applicable like there’s something to be learned from having lost our spark and I think we do everything we can to avoid it But if we knew the beauty that comes to the other side of losing your spark I think we’d be willing to lose our spark so much more. I used the example earlier about lack and abundance and You know, we, we all want to live these abundant lives where we have a limit, limitless supply of the things that we need.
So like abundance of, of material goods, right? Abundance of food in your kitchen, abundance of money in your bank account so that you can take your children to do fun things and for child care and do not worry about, you know, You know, paying the mortgage, different things like that. We all want an abundance of love and abundance of community and an abundance of friendship, but we don’t manifest from abundance.
We actually manifest from lack. So what does that mean? If you had everything you ever wanted, you would never really be manifesting. There wouldn’t be anything more for you to go get because you already have. But whenever you see somebody wearing the purse that you really like, or whenever you see somebody getting proposed to, or whenever you see somebody driving a car that you might like, or whenever you see somebody has a certain hobby or a skill and then you think, Oh, I don’t have that.
But I’d like that. That is lack teaching us what it is that we do want. And without that experience, we wouldn’t be able to grow. We wouldn’t know that we want something else. So what matters more than anything is what you do with that lack. Do you look at that lack as like, Oh man, I’m never going to be able to have that.
Or are you looking at that lack as, Ooh, this is something that I want. This is something I’m going to work towards. This is something I’m going to add to my vision board. And I think it’s the same thing with losing our spark. When we lose our spark, it allows us, it’s almost like, you know, the slingshot analogy I’ve talked about it before here on the podcast, but you know, a slingshot in order for it to go forward, it needs to be pulled back to gain momentum.
And that is what I feel happens whenever we lose our spark. Again, whether this is the spark of, something that happened in the workplace or a relationship, or maybe with family, friendships, or maybe you were in the middle of learning a skill and you were improving and improving. And then you just suddenly got worse and worse.
And part of growth, you know, as we look at, I think it’s the lotus flower It’s a different type of flower. It starts with a D. the lotus flower is the one that grows from the mud. So beautiful things can come from the mud,but I’ve seen time lapses of it where as it’s beginning to grow, it first compresses and then it grows and then compresses and then it grows more.
So when we quote unquote, lose our spark, I really do think it’s just that moment when we’re taking a step back to redirect where we’re going. And I think the best way to get there is rather than avoiding losing the sparks and rather than avoiding ever going through a low vibrational moment or going through like a soft out moment.
Rather than avoiding that, which is naturally what humans do, how can we embrace it and how can we see what is it that we, what is it that that’s teaching us? So here’s what I wrote when I was on the plane, when I was thinking about this, this podcast episode. So how is it that we get our spark back and we do this?
Simply, it sounds very simple. We do this by connecting back to ourselves, by remembering and realizing that those moments do not define us, whether it was a relationship or a job. And that was just one moment in time. And our identity is so much bigger than that moment, right? Like who you are as a person is so much more than one job that you had.
Who you are as a person is so much more than one relationship. And maybe this moment has taught us. that we’re playing small, right? Maybe if you were laid off from a job, what you can learn from it is that that was not the right job for you. You were either underpaid or maybe you needed to go start your own business, or maybe you needed to go apply for a promotion or go to a different industry.
There’s so many things. that we don’t know, but how can we believe that everything that’s happening is happening for our greater good, even if in that moment it doesn’t feel good, right? When you’re going through a breakup, it does not feel good. But how do you feel after you feel freaking liberated? Being laid off does not feel good, but what happens after you get a job that pays you 40 percent more and is actually aligned with your purpose and feels fulfilling and you feel like you’re not wasting your life, that feels freaking good. So how is it that you can go through it? Not around it, not avoiding it because the thing is, the universe is going to keep giving us lessons and unless we learn the lesson, it’s going to keep throwing us the same lesson over and over. So until we have been able to look at a challenge and learn the lesson from it, then will we be able to move on?
If not The universe is going to keep throwing the same challenge at you. How many of us have not ended up dating like the same type of person, right? Like maybe you’re just dating the same type of person and you keep coming across the same issues over and over and you’re like, Oh my gosh, all these men, all these women, all these, like the person I’m dating are the same.
But no, what if it’s literally you calling the experiences that you need to help yourself advance? Because our soul is really intelligent, right? Like our, our higher self is very intelligent. It’s going to call in experiences that are going to make us work on the things that we need to work on so that we can advance.
And when I say advance, I mean like advance our consciousness so we can grow wiser. So we can, so we can just become more, um,
So when you don’t learn the lesson, it’s almost like if you are working on your patients and you just keep losing your patients every time, you’re going to keep getting more and more situations and circumstances and people in your life who are going to keep testing your patients, right? If you’re already feeling super Impatient.
When you get on the freeway, it’s going to be stopped. You are going to get every red light. And I know that you, you’re probably sitting there like, damn, that’s so happened to me. That one time that I felt this way, or when I was working on this thing, the experiences keep popping up. So in these moments, when we have lost our spark, what we need to do is we need to go through.
the pain. We need to figure out what is it that this is teaching us and how can I get to the other side? Not how can I avoid this at all costs because I don’t want to feel lack. I don’t want to feel self doubt. I don’t want to feel crappy or insecure. We’re going to feel this way at some point or another.
So somebody needed to hear this. If you have lost your spark, I want you to know that you didn’t lose it. It’s there. It’s just how you’re feeling in this moment is nothing more than a moment in time. And just like the, you know, amazing moments don’t last forever, neither do. The moments when we feel like we’ve lost our spark and that spark is in you.
It’s just about reconnecting with it. And the best way that we can reconnect with it is reconnecting with ourselves and reconnecting with our value and doing the work and asking ourselves, what is this experience teaching me? That is one of the most powerful questions you can ask because there’s always something to be learned from our challenges.
Okay, y’all, I’m going to go get ready because we’re going to have dinner and tomorrow morning or tomorrow afternoon is Liz’s wedding. So I have only a few more minutes to get ready, but I’m glad I recorded this podcast episode. Somebody needed to hear it. As always, thank you for listening. Please, if you could support this podcast by either sharing it with somebody, taking a screenshot of it, sharing it on social media, making sure you tag me, or the podcast.
The podcast has an Instagram too. It’s just chino and our revolution. But if you can, um, leave a review or rate the podcast, that would be amazing. That is how podcasts grow. Thank you all so much for hanging with me and I’m wishing you the most abundant. And growthful is growthful. Is that even a word? And a 2025 full of growth.
There we go. We’ll just say that. Okay. See you all next week.